Lot 144

Price Realized:  $176
Lot Of Three "Sparks" Medicine Bottles, AAM pg. 488
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Lot: 144 Lot Of Three "Sparks" Medicine Bottles, "Sparks' / Kidney & Liver Cure / Camden, N.J.", "Sparks Perfect / Health For / Kidney & Liver Diseases" and "Sparks / Perfect Health / (Bust) / For / Kidney & Liver / Diseases", America, 1880-1900. Rectangular with beveled corners and oval, aquamarine and amber, tooled sloping collared mouth and tooled square collared mouths - smooth bases, ht. 4 1/8 inches and 9 3/8 inches; (light exterior high point wear, one has interior stain and 1/16 inch mouth bruise). AAM pg. 488 Desireable "picture" medicine bottle.
Estimate: $200 - $400  Minimum bid: $100
Price Realized:  $176