Lot 101: Unembossed Target Ball Price Realized: Not sold |
Lot 102: "Dr Bishop's / Wa-hoo / Bitters / Wahoo Bitter Co / New Haven Conn." Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #B-103 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 103: "Suffering / Spirits." Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316 Price Realized: $644 |
Lot 104: Sunburst Flask, GVIII-26 Price Realized: $322 |
Lot 105: "Union" And Clasped Hands - Eagle And "E. Wormser & Co / Pittsburgh / Pa" Historical Flask, GXII-15 Price Realized: $644 |
Lot 106: Eagle - "Anchor And "Ravenna / Glass / Company" Historical Flask, GII-37 Price Realized: $1,755 |
Lot 107: "Maple Sap And Boiled Cider / Vinegar / The C.I. Co. L't'd, / East Rindge, N.H." Food Bottle Price Realized: $585 |
Lot 108: Eagle - Stag And "Coffin & Hay. / Hammonton" Historical Flask, GII-49 Price Realized: $527 |
Lot 109: Two Figural Ink Bottles, Unlisted and C #684 Price Realized: $322 |
Lot 110: Embossed Diamond Pattern Target Ball Price Realized: $152 |
Lot 111: "Ravenna / Glass / Works" - Reverse Plain Lettered Flask, GXV-17 Price Realized: $1,287 |
Lot 112: Eagle and "T.W.D" - Cornucopia Historical Flask, GII-44 Price Realized: $105 |
Lot 113: "Bennington / Battle" Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316 Price Realized: $761 |
Lot 114: Double Eagle Historical Flask, GII-1 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 115: "Will You Take / A Drink ? / Will A / (Duck) / Swim ?" - Reverse Plain Pictorial Flask, GXIII-28 Price Realized: $257 |
Lot 116: "Warner's / "Safe" Cure / (Motif Of Safe) / Frankfurt A/M" Medicine Bottle, Similar to AAM pg. 597 Price Realized: $187 |
Lot 117: "$ 600 Reward / Gon-Kure / Dr. Wade's Golden Specific / Sold By / Central Drug Store, / 404 S. Main St." Advertising Sign Price Realized: $257 |
Lot 118: "Louisville KY" - "Glassworks" Scroll Flask, GIX-6 Price Realized: $222 |
Lot 119: Stag And "Good / Game" - Willow Tree Pictorial Flask, GX-1 Price Realized: $293 |
Lot 120: Sunburst Flask, GVIII-27 Price Realized: $246 |
Lot 121: "Traveler's / Companion" - Star Flask, GXIV-7 Price Realized: $246 |
Lot 122: "E.C. Allen / Concentrated / Electric Past / Or / Arabian Pain / Extractor / Lancaster / PA." Medicine Bottle, AAM pg. 21 Price Realized: $819 |
Lot 123: "Baltimore" And Monument - "Liberty / And / Union" Historical Flask, GVI-3 Price Realized: $187 |
Lot 124: "Departed / Spirits." Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316 Price Realized: $439 |
Lot 125: Two Figural Ink Bottles, C #679 Price Realized: $644 |
Lot 126: Embossed Block Pattern Target Ball Price Realized: $82 |
Lot 127: Eagle And "Cunningham / & Co / Pittsburgh" - Eagle And "Glass / Manufacturers" Historical Flask, GII-110 Price Realized: $527 |
Lot 128: Figured Flask, Similar to the Louisville patterns GII-29 through GII-36 Price Realized: $351 |
Lot 129: "Union" And Clasped Hands - Eagle Historical Flask, GXII-28 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 130: "N.B. Glass Works Perth" - "N.B. Glass Works Perth" Target Ball Price Realized: $105 |
Lot 131: Trapper And "The Great Western" - Stag Pictorial Flask, GX-30 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 132: "Brown's / Celebrated / Indian Herb Bitters / Patented / 1867" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #B-223 Price Realized: $761 |
Lot 133: Cone Ink Bottle, L/P plate 9, #1 Price Realized: $527 |
Lot 134: Masonic Arch And Emblems - Eagle And "NEG / Co" Historical Flask, GIV-27 Price Realized: $257 |
Lot 135: Eagle - Flag And "For Our Country." Historical Flask, GII-53 Price Realized: $187 |
Lot 136: "J. & J.W. Harvey / Norwich / Conn." - "H" Soda Water Bottle, WB pg. 63 and 64 Price Realized: $293 |
Lot 137: "Massena Spring / (Monogram) / Water" Mineral Water Bottle, T #N-22 Price Realized: $293 |
Lot 138: "E. Roome / Troy / New. York" Snuff Bottle, Similar in form and construction to MW plate 75, #15 Price Realized: $468 |
Lot 139: "ST / Drake's / 1860 / Plantation / X / Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #D-108 Price Realized: $117 |
Lot 140: Double Eagle Historical Flask, GII-24 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 141: Cut Glass Compote, Similar in form and construction to PG plate 94 Price Realized: $129 |
Lot 142: Anchor And "Baltimore / Glass Works" - Phoenix And "Resurgam" Historical Flask, GXIII-54 Price Realized: $322 |
Lot 143: Scroll Flask, GIX-41 Price Realized: $497 |
Lot 144: "Golden / Bitters / Geo. C. Hubbel & Co" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #G-63 Price Realized: $257 |
Lot 145: "C.B. Thayer & Co / New Haven / Conn" Soda Water Bottle, WB pg. 13 Price Realized: $351 |
Lot 146: "Dr. A.S. Hopkins / Union Stomach Bitters / Hartford Conn" Bitters Bottle, R/H #H-180 Price Realized: $187 |
Lot 147: "Van Cutsem / A St Quentin" Target Ball Price Realized: $140 |
Lot 148: "A.B. Tiffany. / West Hartland / Conn." Medicine Bottle, Unlisted Price Realized: $995 |
Lot 149: "A.B. Laird's / Ink" Bottle Price Realized: $351 |
Lot 150: "Clyde Glass Works / N.Y." - Reverse Plain Lettered Flask, GXV-1 Price Realized: $234 |