Lot 1: "I Newton's / Panacea / Purifier / Of The / Blood / Norwich, VT." Medicine Bottle, AAM pg. 381 Price Realized: $8,775 |
Lot 2: "G.Geo. Washington." And Bust - Eagle And "F.L." Portrait Flask, GI-7 Price Realized: $1,872 |
Lot 3: Washington Bust And "Lockport. Glass. Works" - Washington Bust Portrait Flask, GI-60 Price Realized: $4,388 |
Lot 4: "Dr J. Hostetter's / Stomach Bitters" Bottle, R/H #H-195 Price Realized: $140 |
Lot 5: "Lafayette" And Bust - "De Witt Clinton" And Bust Portrait Flask, GI-81 Price Realized: $1,287 |
Lot 6: Prospector and "For Pike's Peake" - Hunter Shooting Deer Historical Flask, GXI-53 Price Realized: $3,218 |
Lot 7: "J. Boardman & Co. / New York" - "Mineral Waters / B / This Bottle / Is Never Sold" Soda Water Bottle Price Realized: $4,388 |
Lot 8: Scroll Flask, GIX-2 Price Realized: $1,287 |
Lot 9: Scroll Flask, Possibly GIX-3 Price Realized: $1,112 |
Lot 10: "Dr. Hartshorn's / Medicine" Bottle, AAM pg. 223 Price Realized: $410 |
Lot 11: "Berkshire. Bitters / Aman & Co / Cincinnati. O" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #B-81.2 Price Realized: $1,755 |
Lot 12: Figural Ink Bottle, C #685 Price Realized: $410 |
Lot 13: "General. Jackson." And Bust - Floral Motif Portrait Flask, GI-68 Price Realized: $3,803 |
Lot 14: "N. Van Beil / 88 / Chambers / St / New York" Applied Seal Whiskey Bottle Price Realized: $293 |
Lot 15: Bryan Bust And "In Silver We Trust / Bryan 1898 Sewall" - Eagle And "United Democratic Ticket / We Shall Vote / 16 To 1" Portrait Flask, GI-126 Price Realized: $936 |
Lot 16: "Butler's Ink / Cincinnati." Ink Bottle, Similar to C #519 Price Realized: $1,053 |
Lot 17: "Washington." And Bust - Eagle And "B.K." Portrait Flask, GI-13 Price Realized: $585 |
Lot 18: "B.T. 1865. S.C. / Smiths / Druid Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #S-124 Price Realized: $1,112 |
Lot 19: "OK / Plantation / 1840 / Patented / 1863" Figural Bitters Type Bottle, R/H pg. 408 Price Realized: $1,989 |
Lot 20: "Benjamin Franklin" And Bust - "T.W. Dyott, M.D." And Bust Portrait Flask, GI-94 Price Realized: $351 |
Lot 21: Eagle - Lyre Historical Flask, GII-22 Price Realized: $1,170 |
Lot 22: Embossed Quilted Diamond Pattern Target Ball Price Realized: $234 |
Lot 23: "Curtis / Cordial / Calisaya / The Great / Stomach / Bitters / 1866 CCC 1900" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #C-261 Price Realized: $3,510 |
Lot 24: "Southwick / & / Tupper" - "N. York." Soda Water Bottle Price Realized: $129 |
Lot 25: Columbia Bust And "Kensington" - Eagle And "Union. Co" Portrait Flask, GI-117 Price Realized: $1,404 |
Lot 26: Washington - Taylor Portrait Flask, GI-52 Price Realized: $702 |
Lot 27: "ST / Drake's / 1860 / Plantation / X / Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #D-105 Price Realized: $293 |
Lot 28: "Success To The Railroad" And Horse And Cart Historical Flask, GV-4 Price Realized: $761 |
Lot 29: "Harrison's / Columbian / Ink" Bottle, C #194 Price Realized: $468 |
Lot 30: "Warner's / "Safe" / Cure / (Motif Of Safe) / Melbourne Aus / London Eng / Toronto Can / Rochester. N.Y. U.S.A" Medicine Bottle, Similar to AAM pg. 597 Price Realized: $140 |
Lot 31: "Dr Townsend's / Sarsaparilla / Albany / NY" Medicine Bottle, AAM pg. 521 Price Realized: $439 |
Lot 32: Cleveland Bust - Reverse Plain Portrait Flask, Similar to GI-123 Price Realized: $152 |
Lot 33: "Dr Townsends / Sarsaparilla / New. York." Medicine Bottle, Similar to AAM pg. 520 Price Realized: $1,521 |
Lot 34: Eagle - Tree Historical Flask, GII-47 Price Realized: $2,457 |
Lot 35: "Harrison's / Columbian / Ink" Bottle, C #530 Price Realized: $878 |
Lot 36: "E.S. & H. Hart" - "Superior / Soda Water / Union Glass Works" Soda Water Bottle, WB pg. 41 Price Realized: $644 |
Lot 37: "The / Life. / Of / Kossuth." Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316 Price Realized: $556 |
Lot 38: "S.I. Comp." Figural Ink Bottle, C #683 Price Realized: $246 |
Lot 39: Eagle - Cornucopia Historical Flask, GII-69 Price Realized: $995 |
Lot 40: Embossed Quilted Diamond Pattern Target Ball Price Realized: $257 |
Lot 41: Scroll Flask, GIX-44 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 42: "Greeley Bourbon / Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #G-101 Price Realized: $819 |
Lot 43: "Union / Wm. Frank & Sons / Pitts." And Clasped Hands - Cannon Historical Flask, GXII-39 Price Realized: $117 |
Lot 44: Eagle - Cornucopia Historical Flask, GII-16 Price Realized: $351 |
Lot 45: Stiegel Type Handled Mug, Similar in form and construction to McK plate 22, # 1 and # 4 Price Realized: $819 |
Lot 46: "J & I E M" Figural Ink Bottle, C #628 Price Realized: $211 |
Lot 47: "Success To The Railroad" And Locomotive Historical Flask, GV-2 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 48: Two "Dr. Brewster's / Rheumatic / Liniment / Killingsly Ct." Medicine Bottles, AAM pg. 65 Price Realized: $380 |
Lot 49: Sheaf Of Rye - Grapes Pictorial Flask, GX-3 Price Realized: $246 |
Lot 50: Two Men Arguing - Grotesque Man's Head Pictorial Flask, GX-12 Price Realized: $468 |