Norman C. Heckler & Company Auction #184
Norman C. Heckler & Company Auction #184
November 2019

Auction Status: Closed

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View lots: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-179

Lot 51 Lot 51: "Hall's / Bitters / E.E. Hall New Haven / Established 1842" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #H-10
Price Realized:  $1,638
Lot 52 Lot 52: Double Eagle Historical Flask, GII-32a
Price Realized:  $269
Lot 53 Lot 53: Prospector - Eagle Historical Flask, GXI-11
Price Realized:  $468
Lot 54 Lot 54: "Union Glass Works / New London. Ct." Soda Water Bottle, WB #CTS13a
Price Realized:  $322
Lot 55 Lot 55: "Old Sachem / Bitters / And / Wigwam Tonic" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #O-101
Price Realized:  $819
Lot 56 Lot 56: Masonic Arch And Emblems - Eagle Historical Flask, GIV-14
Price Realized:  $585
Lot 57 Lot 57: Anchor And "Isabella / Glassworks" - Glasshouse Historical Flask, GXIII-57
Price Realized:  $497
Lot 58 Lot 58: "Dr. A. Frank / Charlottenburg / Glasshutten" Target Ball
Price Realized:  $140
Lot 59 Lot 59: "Dr C.W. Robacks / Stomach Bitters / Cincinnati. O" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #R-73
Price Realized:  $556
Lot 60 Lot 60: "Traveler's / Companion" - "Railroad / Guide" Flask, GXIV-9
Price Realized:  $246
Lot 61 Lot 61: Cornucopia - Pinwheel Pictorial Flask, GIII-1
Price Realized:  $410
Lot 62 Lot 62: "Kossuth." Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316
Price Realized:  $644
Lot 63 Lot 63: "J. & A. Dearborn / & Co / New York" - "Soda Water / D" Bottle, Similar to H #2968
Price Realized:  $187
Lot 64 Lot 64: Cannon And "Genl Taylor Never Surrenders" - "A / Little / More / Grape / Capt Bragg" Historical Flask, GX-5
Price Realized:  $187
Lot 65 Lot 65: Washington Bust And "The Father Of His Country" - Reverse Plain Portrait Flask, GI-47
Price Realized:  $468
Lot 66 Lot 66: "BP & B" Scroll Flask, GIX-38a
Price Realized:  $468
Lot 67 Lot 67: "Traveler's / Companion" - Star Flask, GXIV-7
Price Realized:  $211
Lot 68 Lot 68: "John W. Steele's / Niagara Star Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #S-183
Price Realized:  $995
Lot 69 Lot 69: Eagle - Stag And "Coffin & Hay. / Hammonton" Historical Flask, GII-50
Price Realized:  $351
Lot 70 Lot 70: Scroll Flask, GIX-35
Price Realized:  $644
Lot 71 Lot 71: "ST / Drake's / 1860 / Plantation / X / Bitters" Figural Bottle, R/H #D-108
Price Realized:  $351
Lot 72 Lot 72: "Congress & Empire Spring Co / C / Saratoga. N.Y." Mineral Water Bottle, T #C-14:A Var. 3
Price Realized:  $222
Lot 73 Lot 73: Cornucopia - Urn Pictorial Flask, GIII-17
Price Realized:  $761
Lot 74 Lot 74: "John Root's Bitters / 1834 / Buffalo, N.Y / 1834" Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #R-90.4
Price Realized:  $1,287
Lot 75 Lot 75: "Jacobs & Brown / Hamilton O." Ink Bottle, Unlisted
Price Realized:  $497
Lot 76 Lot 76: Horseman - Hound Pictorial Flask, GXIII-17
Price Realized:  $246
Lot 77 Lot 77: Two Umbrella Ink Bottles, L/P plate 9, #6
Price Realized:  $556
Lot 78 Lot 78: "General Lafayette" and Bust - Eagle And "T.W.D" Portrait Flask, GI-90
Price Realized:  $410
Lot 79 Lot 79: Jenny Lind Bust And Lyre - Jenny Lind Bust And Lyre Portrait Flask, GI-108
Price Realized:  $351
Lot 80 Lot 80: "Dr H.W. Jackson / Druggist / Vegetable / Howe Syrup" Medicine Bottle, AAM pg. 263
Price Realized:  $3,218
Lot 81 Lot 81: "Bennington / Battle" Flint Enamel Pottery Figural Book Flask, Similar in form and construction to Barret pg. 316
Price Realized:  $1,989
Lot 82 Lot 82: Umbrella Ink Bottle, L/P plate 9, #7
Price Realized:  $468
Lot 83 Lot 83: Washington Bust - Eagle Portrait Flask, GI-11
Price Realized:  $702
Lot 84 Lot 84: "Hartell's Glass Air Tight Cover / Patented / Oct. 19 1858" Lid Embossed Fruit Jar, L #1211
Price Realized:  $351
Lot 85 Lot 85: "Flora Temple / (Full Figure Of Horse) / Harness Trot 2.19 3/4" - Reverse Plain Handled Pictorial Flask, GXIII-24
Price Realized:  $644
Lot 86 Lot 86: "M.T. Crawford / Hartford Ct." - "Union Glass Works Philada. / Superior / Mineral Water" Bottle, WB #CTS5c
Price Realized:  $199
Lot 87 Lot 87: Washington - Washington Portrait Flask, GI-61
Price Realized:  $702
Lot 88 Lot 88: "Traveler's / Companion" And Star - "Lancaster / Erie. Co., N.Y" And Star Flask, GXIV-5
Price Realized:  $468
Lot 89 Lot 89: Girl On A Bicycle And "Not For Joe" - Reverse Plain Pictorial Flask, GXIII-2
Price Realized:  $187
Lot 90 Lot 90: "The Owl Drug Co." - (Owl On Mortar And Pestle) Medicine Bottle, Similar to AAM pg. 392
Price Realized:  $94
Lot 91 Lot 91: Figural Bitters Bottle, R/H #H-153L
Price Realized:  $380
Lot 92 Lot 92: "M'Carty & Torreyson / Manufacturers / Wellsburg, Va." - Sunburst Motif Scroll Flask, GIX-48
Price Realized:  $936
Lot 93 Lot 93: "Butler" Ink Bottle, Unlisted in Covill's text
Price Realized:  $439
Lot 94 Lot 94: "Dr. Petzold's / Genuine / German / Bitters. / Incpt. 1862 / Patd 1887" Bitters Bottle, Similar to R/H #P-78.5
Price Realized:  $246
Lot 95 Lot 95: Prospector And "For Pike's Peak" - Reverse Plain Historical Flask, GXI-2
Price Realized:  $187
Lot 96 Lot 96: Prospector And "For Pike's Peak" - Hunter Shooting Deer Historical Flask, GXI-47a
Price Realized:  $644
Lot 97 Lot 97: Double Eagle Historical Flask, GII-2
Price Realized:  $187
Lot 98 Lot 98: Scroll Flask, GIX-23
Price Realized:  $222
Lot 99 Lot 99: Two "Harrison's / Columbian / Ink" Bottles, Similar to C #529 and #531
Price Realized:  $761
Lot 100 Lot 100: "Geo. Van Benschoten / Bridgeport / Conn." - "Premium / Soda Water." Bottle, WB pg. 26
Price Realized:  $117

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View lots: 1-50 51-100 101-150 151-179

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